One Way To Help Your CV Stand Out From The Crowd...
Whilst you may have a very successful career and enjoyed a number of promotions, remember that the hiring manager does not know you and will make the decision on whether they want to meet you by reading a few pages of A4 that summarises years of hard work and challenges.
Before you put together your CV, take time out to write down all your achievements - the increased sales, the increased ROI marketing campaign, the supplier consolidation exercise, the increased pick per hour etc..
These achievements will be what gets you hired!
Unfortunately, too many good people who have not put together a CV for a good while or had an interview overlook this and believe that listing the job description is important.
The hiring manager already knows what a purchasing manager, FD, product manager does on a daily basis.
It is what you have achieved that will be of interest to them as it helps them visualise how you will add value to their team.
Don't be shy. You are marketing yourself and the few pages of A4 is your 'marketing flyer'.
Do not to embellish any achievements though, you will be found out by a good and curious hiring manager at the interview.
Good luck..
Who are JSL Solutions?
We are an established, reputable and ethical recruitment consultancy committed to working to the highest industry standards. We promote good practice through our proven experience, methods and processes. We have over 50 years of industry experience to partner with you to find the right talent or the right business.
We specialise in:
Automotive recruitment
Automotive aftermarket recruitment
Sales & marketing recruitment
Industrial & Engineering recruitment
Senior appointments and executive search
Stewart Lupton is a very people focused professional who always puts the person at the core of every activity and decision. He has worked as a sales and marketing professional for the last 25 years and progressed throughout his career in a number of different blue chip organisations and SME’s to become the sales director of the UK & Ireland division of a globally recognised automotive component manufacturer before founding JSL. Stewart provides an ethical, highly compliant and reputable service that puts the client and candidate experience at the heart of everything that he and his company does.
Joanne Lupton is passionate about reducing the impact of organisational decisions on people and this is highlighted in her MSc thesis, how can NLP (neuro linguistic Programming) help reduce the impact of managing change on its people. Joanne has an enviable career history with a number of household recognised blue chip organisations. Joanne wanted to build a recruitment consultancy that is recognised for both its client and candidate experience and strives to achieve this through her commitment to the highest industry standards.
We can be contacted on 01270 845344, email us at or visit us at
Recruitment...The right way.