What Do You Know About Us?

What Do You Know About Us?

Interview Question - What Do You Know About Us?

You may have described yourself in your personal profile as “an excellent communicator” or “commercially astute” or as having “an eye for detail”, but the truth is interviewers often won’t believe it until they see it in you themselves.

The question “What do you know about us?” gives them a chance to assess those skills in you, but more importantly gives you the chance to demonstrate them.

Too many interviewees make the mistake of treating this question lightly and end up giving rather awkward responses. A great answer, however, will demonstrate your ability to research, prepare, analyse, understand business issues, communicate and empathise.

To deliver a great answer you need to spend time preparing. For each interview, research the answers to each of the questions below:

1. Who is the company?
Consider location(s), structure, ownership, key dates, number of employees and turnover.

2. What do they do?
List and understand the products, services and industry they operate within.

3. Who are the clients?
Look at the sectors they come from, find examples of specific clients and show an understanding of why they buy.

4. Who do they compete with?
Research company names, market share and anecdotes about how they compete.

5. What current news or economic issues affect the company?
Identify appropriate magazines/journals/newspapers and review company and industry news.

6. What key skills are needed?
Look at what is required by the company and the industry and what is on the job description and website.

7. Who are the key people?
Know the leadership team, structure and hierarchy.

8. What is the culture?
Understand the typical employee, demands of clients and style of work.

Researching the above thoroughly should provide you with a couple of pages of notes, giving you a great knowledge base to refer to throughout the interview and not just when answering this question.

The four critical components of a good answer are clarity, conciseness, structure and logical flow.

When asked “What do you know about us?” Use the structure above, pick out the best points from your notes and practice delivering your answer.

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